The best Reggio Emilia preschool in new mexico


Rhythm and Flow


Sample Daily Schedule

7:30-9:00    School day begins
Children and families gradually arrive at school. Children begin their day in their classrooms, playing with peers and teachers.

9:00-10:00     Meetings and small groups
Once everyone has arrived, each class gathers for a daily meeting. Meeting is a time to share ideas, build relationships, and set intentions. Classroom teachers arrange their space and materials to create inspiring experiences for children.

10:00-12:00 Open snack, open campus
Snack becomes available from 10am-11am. Children are invited to eat when they come to a natural stopping point in their play. Teachers anchor our many indoor and outdoor learning environments, freeing children to pursue their curiosities and linger on the experiences that captivate them.

12:00-12:30     Lunch
Children return to their home classroom to eat lunch with their friends and teachers.

12:30 - 3:00 Pick up, rest time, and play
Teachers support half-day children to gather their belongings and head outside for 1pm pickup. Full-day students are ushered to either the napping room or the wakeful room, depending on their sleep needs. Nappers are gently tucked into their sleeping spot with a blanket and lovey, and supported to rest as long as needed. Wakeful students enjoy a short rest period, an afternoon meeting, then ample time outdoors.

3:00 - 5:00 Afternoon snack and play
Children come together for a shared snack, then head back outside. Parents are welcome to pick-up as suits their schedule until 5pm.